Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Press Release


For immediate release



Product Designer Lee Murray has created a new application for CCTV surveillance with his object, The Observer; a public access viewing station allowing any member of the public to watch others through CCTV cameras. The object explores the potential social effects that could arise if all CCTV cameras were monitored by the public. Would people become vigilantes if they saw a crime being committed, would they watch it just for fun, or would they alert the police if there was a cash prize?

Taking inspiration from door peepholes, an everyday spying tool, & amplifying the idea to be used for a nationwide system of surveillance, The Observer creates a unique insight into the act of watching others.

Lee (21) says “At the beginning of the project I became fascinated by mystery, especially in the field of surveillance & spying. I am also very interested in exploring the edge of design & society, so The Observer grew naturally out of this desire to challenge these boundaries & create unique interactions with existing technologies”.

Using web camera & internet technology to bring the concept to life, Lee hopes that ultimately the entire system would be connected to the nations extensive network of CCTV cameras. Constructed from sheet steel & aluminium, The Observer's design has been inspired from classic science-fiction books & films such as Brave New World, 1984 & Brazil.



Lee Murray (21) is a digital product designer who is passionate about bringing original & humorous ideas to life through experimenting with aesthetics, electronics & software. His philosophy is to make exciting digital objects that create new cultural & social interactions. To see some of his other work, visit www.mrleemurray.co.uk.

Product Design Bsc. (Hons). University of Dundee

The Product Design course teaches its students to create fully functioning products, that work both inside & out. Through the core structure of FIND, PLAY, MAKE, TALK, students learn that making products around people is the key to a well rounded & meaningful project.


Lee Murray

tel: +44 (0) 7909334601

email: lee@mrleemurray.co.uk

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